Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Unfinished Saga: It's a bird, It's a plane, It's naked woman with a sword? (Angel Blade & Angel Blade Punish)


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Plus Spoilers 

Sailor Moon wishes she had this body.
Angel Blade, one of most iconic hentai around. Created by Masari Obari during his short hentai phase, this hentai has everything you want. Hot characters designs, great animation and of course mind blowing hotter then hot sex scenes. So why am I doing an Unfinished Saga on the Angel Blade series? Because of its unresolved cliffhanger. Yes I know it's a porn, who cares about the damn story. All we mostly want to see is some fucking...tons and tons of fucking. For me at times, I want is a good story behind the sexual session that I see on screen. Cause nothing spells hot steamy action then role-playing. 


Moena Shinguuji A.K.A Angel Blade:
A young, not overly developed, Waitress/student at the academy who is able to transform into her super heroine alter ego, Angel Blade, thanks to the power of her heart-shaped amulet given to her by her parents. Her mission is to save the day whenever someone is attacked by one of Phantom Lady's horny mutants. Her uniform and powers were developed by her parents specifically to battle Phantom Lady and her minions, though it is never explained why they would develop such a sexually charged outfit for their daughter (Worst parents......EVER!).


Angel Ender A.K.A Shaia Hishizaki: A famous supermodel by day, and a totally useless naked superhero by night. (Seriously, she and one other character do nothing but get kiddnaped and/or fucked by the villains minions.) 
Angel Beretta A.K.A Elphie Elfman: A busty, but mysterious cowgirl who is rumored to be Nailkaizer (formally) in before she was mutated by Dark Mother. A super hero so bad ass, so cool, that we don't know shit about here out the fact that she's the third angel. (That and how she obtained the power of Beretta.) Throughout Angel Blade Punish, she is applied twice.


Ayame Fudou A.K.A.........Ayame Fudou: A policewoman from a ninja family (The ninja part wasn't really explained fully) who becomes involved with the Angel Units and tries to assist them as best she can. However, despite her skills, she is captured and raped almost every time she does. Making her the second useless super hero on the good guys side. She's what Mai Shiranui would of been if she stopped pursuing Andy Bogard and started asking for some "action".

Seiryuu Tenmyouin: She's the Student body president and most popular girl in school. So popular that people believe that she is really Angel Blade. Which that has attached the attention of Dark Forces.


Phantom Lady A.K.A Dark Mother A.K.A Maina: The main antagonist of the story. She's powerful, she's menacing, she's mysterious, she has a dick that can make a herd of horses kill themselves out of jealously, and breast that can make any female porn star want to quit. She also happens to be Angel Blades mother. (This hentai has turned from a futanari classic to Futa Star Wars....just without the Light sabers.) Throughout the series we don't know what her true motive is aside from defeat Angel Blade. She only got one sex scene........just one........Sigh, yeah I know, I wanted more too. 


Karin Son: Dark Mothers daughter (and technically Angel Blades estranged sister). Her only propose is to kidnap and fuck the living crap out of Moena's extremely busty aunt. Her character design and name is based off the video game/ OVA called Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer. She's what Son Son (From MvC2) could of been if she had big boobs, and instead of fighting other Marvel/Capcom characters, she would fuck their brains out on Ruby Hearts ship.
Nailkaizer: The darker, hornier, tanner version of Necrocaizer. (Another character from Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer) For a hot piece of ass, she only gets one sex scene. Two if you count the delete dream sex scene with Angel Blade.


Hazuki Tachibana: A cameo character from another one of Masari Obari's projects, Gravion and  Gravion Zwei. For a hot piece of ass.....she doesn't get a single sex scene.....Period. What a waste.


 Kyouka: Moena's busty aunt and a walking plot device for the sequel to happen.

Chloe, Elaine, Rush and Sledge: Horny as hell henchmen.


Takes place in a future where the Earth's surface is no longer habitable due to pollution. Humans live in 99 cities above the smog, while the surface below, unknown to them, is home to a race of horny mutants. Suddenly, a castle, ruled by the organization Dark Mother, mysteriously appears in the sky over City Number 69 (GET IT! Because this is hentai!!!). For unknown purposes, they track down women and start their devious machinations, which are unknown but involve raping women. (Seriously, what is their plan here. They just fuck and leave? Why? Just for the hell of it? Are they trying to repopulate their race or something? If so then they're failing hard. Every time a mutant fucks someone, the girl doesn't get pregnant. They just walk away with a mild since of ecstasy. Kinda like a top dollar whore.)  In the time of chaos, Angel Blade, a beautiful, naked woman, appears as a force of justice to protect the women.

The Problem: Dark mother is Angel Blade's long lost mother. How did she go from a busty mom to one of the greatest evil (Slash monthly fapping fuel.) in the world? Why did Moena's mother and father (again, worst parents....EVER) give her the power to become a naked warrior of justice? What is the relationship between Moena and her estrange father. Is Elphie Elfman really Nailkaizer. Is Hazuki Tachibana cameo just a cameo? Or is this a canon cameo linking to the Gravior series? Is Ayame Fudou's pink headed partner gonna be okay? 

 The Problem 2: It's been over a decade since the release of Angel Blade Punish. And no plans for a third installment. We may or may not know what will happen to our horny heroines of justice. But thanks to the artwork that I found, we can imagine a little bit about what might happen in the third installment.

 Sadly I can't read what it says, but I do believe that this lovely lady might be Seiryuu Tenmyouin in her Angel Form.

 This Angel might be that one student that hangs out with Moena. And is also the one who was with the professor in the end of Angel Blade Punish. Why is she joining the fight against Dark Mother? How did she know about the Angel Technology and the professor?

This one is a no brainer. It looks like Aunt Kyouka is back on her feet and well. So well that she's joining the fight too with her big ax and even bigger "cannons".

And the last but not lease, The villains of the could of been
third installment. Not as sexy as the last few villains, but

Final words: As I said in the Marine A Go Go post, that I wish Masari Obari when back to his hentai phase. I now also wish that Masari Obari went back to his old 90's self too. He was awesome back then. But now he's just doing nothing but mecha anime and doing project's that he's not Directing. Where's the big boob's? Where the story? (or lack there of) Where the over the top action pack animation? Where is the weird character designs? Masari Obari please, make more hentai again. Make more awesome ridiculousness like Voltage Fighter, Fatal Fury, Platinumhugen Ordian or Dangaizer 3.

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