Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What If Saga: What if Micheal Bay directed The Last Airbender

Micheal "Explosion" Bay: Wanted for bad alive Adaptation 
Micheal Bay. He's know for a loooooot of things. He's  the Destroyer of childhoods and woman's dignity. The Father of explosions and racial stereotyping. The Prince of the Summer (testosterone filled) movies and the King of not giving a total shit about what people think about either him or his movies.....oh and he's also known for Bad Boys, Bad Boys 2, Armageddon and The Rock (Not the Actor). Yeah the man is known for a lot of shit. But we mostly remember him in a negative light. Just recently he released his latest movie starting the Ninja Turtles, (In all of it's CGI ugliness) and yet people still complained to the heavens. But what does that matter to the father of explosions. He's got his big check, he's happy, and he's off to the next project. Will there come a time when people start loving Micheal Bay again. Will he get the magic that made his movie from the mid 90's to early 2000's a smash hit that critic's and cinema junkies fall in love with him again? Or is he just greedy, perverted, washed up old man.....

Water... Earth... Fire... Air. Long ago, the Avatar fan (that includes fan-fic writes too) base lived in harmony. Then everything changed when the Hollywood decided to turn this franchise into a quick cash grab. Only the best and brightest of the Avatar Fan base could stop them. But when the world needed them the most, they were ignored....

5 years passed an Otaku named Morphues appeared with a insane concept. "What If Micheal Bay directed The Last Airbender". And although his directing skills are great, he still has a lot to learn before he's ready to save any franchise/career. But I believe Bay can save your childhood...............Or make it much much worst. (But Seriously people, quit saying that your childhood is ruined because of one bad film based on your favorite series. It really gives me a god damn headache.)

 Why should Bay make a Last Airbender movie. I mean every movie he made that involves animated series always tend to suck. The bad jokes, the racial stereotypes and explosions. Those are two out of the many trade marks in most of Micheal Bay films. So again, why should he make a Last Airbender movie. Because of his trade mark bad jokes, stereotyping and explosions. It's perfect. The bad jokes will work perfectly with Sokka. And Stereotypes and racism will work perfectly in Last Airbender, since everyone in the series hates the fire benders and the fire bender hate every else. And the Explosions.....OH GOD the explosions! It'll work perfectly for the Fire Benders, If not sparky sparky boom man. Hell, this CGI that he uses in his films are good, why not use it to make the bending more exciting. You want comic relief moments or character? Well the show itself is full of those moment/characters. Plus since that his movie are usually 2-3 hours long, that is enough time to tell one season. Book 1 should be 2 and a half hours long. Book 2 should be close to 3 hours and book 3 should be 3 hours long. This franchise is perfect for Bay.

But.....then again, I could be just blowing smoke here. This could a much bigger train wreak then the 2015 Fantastic Four movie. I mean since when did a big budget live action film (That's not associated with Marvel or DC) ever turned out good. Yeah sure the first Transformers movie was a pass (slightly), but aside from that, no live action adaptation will end up bring the next smash hit.

But who knows, It's Micheal Bay after all. At times (which is more often then one could think) his movies could piss us off to the point of riot or make us give up our wallets due to how awesome the flick. If Bay did a Last Air Bender movie, all I could say is only time (shit load of prayers and insane amount of luck) can tell.